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Maison-Feyne (23800)
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Plan de Maison-Feyne

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    Milena úðöõ:Marvelous review wreittn by Marlen! For the last week I can only read and read and fantasize about Le parfum just because I cannot find it in Bulgaria, for the simple fact that it is not imported and thus sell here The story of meeting Le Parfum is that when waiting at a doctor worried about health, I smelled aroma that transported me in my 17 ÑÂð, before 20 óþôøýõ. I fellt the Black Sea and the wind when walking through the alleys in the sea garden, I felt the laziness of the summer when walking through the paved streets wondering how to escape school and go to the beach, I felt the youth of my sunny years!So instead of sitting worried I became smiling happily, a little contemplative but a lot happy!The saddest thing is that I can not buy it and have my memorie back with me, and I cannot have that feelings back as I live in another town not so near the sea Sooner or later I will find it and have my summer sea teenage memorie with me! I hope be sooner, after all Christmas makes the wishes come true!!!

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